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Brendan Dassey: The Fox Hills Report

This is a transposition of the official report filed by Special Agent Fassbender and Lewis dated February 27th 2006.

On Monday, February 27th, 2006, at approximately 10.50 pm S/A Thomas J. Fassbender and S/A Steven P. Lewis went to Fox Hills Resort in Mishicot where they met with Barbara Janda and Brendan Dassey, who were staying in a room at the resort. Barb met with the special agents at one of the entrance doors and escorted them to the room where Brendan Dassey and his brother, Blaine Dassey were located.

While in the room S/A Fassbender asked about an apparent incident wherein Brendan had come home with some bleach stains on his pants. Barb immediately advised she remembered that, as did Brendan. Initially, Brendan commented that it was the day before Halloween, but then advised it wasn't and that it was Halloween. S/A Fassbender asked Brendan if he was sure it was the day of Halloween and he advised yes. Brendan advised that Steven Avery asked him to help clean up his garage,floor. Brendan advised there was an area on the floor similar to the area between the two beds in the motel room. S/A Fassbender asked if that would be about 3' x 5’ to 6' and he advised yes. S/A Fassbender asked where in the garage it was located, and he advised about 2' from the main door or the overhead door. S/A Fassbender asked when Steven requested this assistance and Brendan said it was about 8.00 to 8.30 or possibly 7.00 to 7.30. S/A Fassbender asked if the Suzuki Samurai was already in the garage and Brendan advised no, they pushed that in when they had cleaned the floor. S/A Fassbender asked what they cleaned off the floor and Brendan stated he initially thought it was oil. S/A Fassbender asked what color the substance on the floor was and he advised dark red. Brendan was asked if he cleaned it up and he advised that Steven helped. S/A Fassbender asked how it was cleaned up and Brendan advised that Steven first used gas on it, then paint thinner, and then bleach. S/A Fassbender asked if the gas worked and Brendan advised the gas cleaned it up a little bit. S/A Fassbender asked what they used to clean it up with and Brendan advised rags. S/A Fassbender asked what Steven did with the rags afterwards and he advised he threw them in the fire. S/A Fassbender asked if the thinner cleaned up the mess and he advised it cleaned it up some more. S/A Fassbender asked what type of container the bleach was in, and Brendan advised it was in a normal bleach container.

S/A Fassbender asked if the substance on the floor was dry, Brendan advised some of it was dry while other parts of it were damp. S/A Fassbender asked Brendan if he asked Steven what the substance was, and Brendan said he didn't. S/A Fassbender asked if Steven told him and he said no. S/A Fassbender asked Brendan what he thought it was, and he advised he thought it was oil from a car, and indicated it smelled like oil. S/A Fassbender asked if Brendan remembered what the dry portion of the substance looked like and he advised he could not.

S/A Fassbender asked again what the color of the substance was, and he advised red. He advised it looked red on the rags. S/A Fassbender asked if the substance could have been blood and he advised he thought it could have been blood. S/A Fassbender now asks what he thinks it was, and he advised he thinks it was blood.

During the conversation Barbara and Brendan got into a discussion about the pants that he was wearing and had the bleach stains on them. Barb stated Brendan has never worn the pants since then, and that she thinks he should. Brendan commented something to the effect "would you" S/A Lewis asked Brendan why he never wears the pants anymore and he advised because of the stains.

S/A Fassbender asked Brendan to utilize a piece of paper provided by S/A Fassbender and draw the garage area where with the stain. S/A Fassbender asked him to indicate where the overhead door and the service door were, which he did. S/A Fassbender asked him to indicate where the stain area was, and he did. S/A Fassbender also asked where the snowmobile was located in the trailer and he showed S/A Fassbender where that was located. S/A Fassbender identified the areas on the drawing,

S/A Fassbender asked no further questions and the contact was concluded.

The drawing by Brendan will be electronically attached to this supplemental report and will be forwarded to DCIR.

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